- Play UNO® online!

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A word

Welcome to

As you should have guessed it when arriving on this website, you are about to get the possibility of playing the so-called game Uno® directly in your Internet browser and without having to install anything. If you know nothing about Uno® rules (and even if you think you know), you should take a quick tour in the 'Rules' section of the website. This version of Uno® contains some features that differs from the original version.

About scores...

On this website, there is two ways of playing : either you choose to create and use an account, or not. Every Uno® game you play gives you or makes you lose points. Naturally, if you win games, you will tend to earn much more points than you could lose if you were defeated. The best and worst players are permanently listed underneath (in the 'top' and the 'flop'), and the purpose is, of course, to enter the ladderboard. If you decide not to create an account, your scores and records will not be saved...

Register now!

It's fast, free and it does not even need any e-mail confirmation.
Rendez-vous on this page to create an account.


March 29th, 2020

We're in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and thousands of people are trying to play on this website at the same time.
This game and the server it's hosted on were not provisioned for such a high volume of players. I disabled some features in the hopes that it will hold up better. Remember, this is a singleplayer game, for people who want to spend time playing against artificial intelligences. You cannot play with your friends here, look for alternatives elsewhere. In the meantime, stay safe, stay home, play Uno!

April 19th, 2014

You won't believe it, is finally back!
When I had to close this website in november of 2007 because the server was overwhelmed, I never really thought it'd be the final end of it. There has always been a few days here and there where I dedicated a few minutes of my time to try and find a quick and dirty solution to the various issues plaguing the game. There has always been kind emails sent by players asking why the website was closed, and even after 6 years (!) of absence, I was still receiving them. And it finally dawned on me that maybe I should devote a weekend of my time to hunt and destroy every last issues with the game and relaunch it for good. Which is exactly what I did this weekend and believe me, with a codebase dating from 2007, there was a lot of unsupported and deprecated stuff that didn't work anymore (there's even whole new internet browsers that didn't exist back then). So I patched things here and there, added a few lines of code, refreshed the javascript codebase to modern standards and restored the login and points system along with the ladder. Hopefully that will be the last time I devote some of my time to a 7 years old project that was supposed to just work on its own and leave me alone. Cheers!

Top 15

Best global scores

1st 4,602,239
2nd 1,531,906
3rd 1,412,398
4th 1,360,658
5th 1,168,032
6th 1,054,802
7th 1,026,776
8th 1,000,801
9th 824,835
10th 791,900
11th 764,909
12th 757,258
13th 708,603
14th 664,687
15th 659,168

Best scores in one try

1st 982
2nd 943
3rd 925
4th 912
5th 900
6th 888
7th 881
8th 876
9th 864
10th 863
11th 862
12th 861
13th 861
14th 860
15th 860

Flop 15

Worst global scores

117763th -12,690
117762th -12,484
117761th -9,697
117760th -9,529
117759th -7,987
117758th -7,489
117757th -6,806
117756th -6,790
117755th -6,221
117754th -5,992
117753th -5,978
117752th -5,944
117751th -5,766
117750th -5,752
117749th -5,675

Worst scores in one try

117763th -429
117762th -396
117761th -388
117760th -387
117759th -379
117758th -379
117757th -378
117756th -378
117755th -371
117754th -368
117753th -366
117752th -358
117751th -356
117750th -355
117749th -353