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Welcome to our newest member : ko66report

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's profile

Personnal informations

  • Login : wiesiekgitara
  • Website : Not specified
  • Gender : Male
  • Language : English


  • Registered on : 03-26-2018, 9:02 AM
  • Last activity : 11-10-2018, 10:48 AM
  • Connections : 77


  • Best score : 580
  • Worst score : -158
  • Global score : -5,752
  • Very honest player (finishes nearly all of his games) (100% honest)
    Scores reduced by 0.98%

Statistics : Points won and lost

Points won and lost

Statistics : Games won and lost

Games won and lost

Statistics : Games started, finished, won and lost

Games started, finished, won and lost